Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Chocolate Cake


250 g unsalted butter, melted
250 g quality dark chocolate, broken into small blocks
200 g castor sugar
1 cup of hot espresso coffee (or one cup of hot water with a couple
of spoonfuls of instant coffee dissolved)
200 g self-raising flour
50 g cocoa powder
2 tsp vanilla essence
2 eggs


Mix the butter, sugar, chocolate and coffee in a food processor until well blended: the sugar should be dissolved, the chocolate well melted, but it doesn't matter if there are still some solid chocolate pieces. Add the flour, cocoa powder, vanilla and eggs, and process until smooth. Put into a well-greased 25 cm cake tin, and bake in a 190 C oven for about 35 minutes until done. Serve frugally, it is very rich. If you are serving it as a dessert, its richness is lightened with a rasberry sauce, or a sauce of strawberriess and orange, or even stewed pears, whizzed up. Whatever, it needs something, and it sure isn't icecream. If you are a pro, serve it with an orange and Grand Marnier sorbet.

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