Tuesday, January 15, 2008


i keep walking
not knowing which way to go

that i m making the rite turn..
it is as if darkness follows upon me
making it harder...

i stand beside u

in hand

as we walk ahead

but now..
we are caught at crossroads
as my life with u flashes upon my eyes...
all those happy moments

all the
all the care
but then all i saw was myself
to get away

to get out of ur shadow

i close my eyes
as tears rolled down my cheeks
im sorry...
i love u

but its tym i went my own way


Anonymous said...

Wonder whut the guy was thinking all the while you (1)caught ur foot near the crossroads, (2)was temporary blinded by the pain (3)flashing white before your eyes, (4)which made you see him as a menecing shadow thing, (5)that you had to get (6)away from the road you two were going to go down together on...

...he was probably just thinking about what to get for lunch or something.

Talk about being blindsided when he finds out everything that went through your head when you snubed ur foot near those crossroads.

Cute Kat Princez said...

hehe...wooww....asemah...thnx for tha comment...haha...u brought out a whole new story out my poem..lol