Thursday, February 19, 2009


thank u muthu for lettin me do this on blogophere

It's harder than it looks!
Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag five people.

Use the fi
rst letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up!
If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: thaby

2. A four Letter Word: tree
3. A boy's Name: tom
4. A girl's Name: terry

5. An occupation: tree climbing

6. A color: turquoise

7. Something you'll wear: T shirt
8. A food: tiger meat

9. Something found in the bathroom: towel

10. A place: tree house

11. A reason for being late: tukuri akee koachetho balan madukohlee...(i still have no damn idea... O_o)

12. Something you'd shout: Tell!!!!!

13. A movie title: twilight

14. Somethi
ng you drink: tang juice

15. A musical group: the system of a down

16. An animal: TIGER!!

17. A street name: thaby kat

18. A type of car: turquoise mathi negey vatharu careh...

19. The title of a song: Twinkle Twinkle littlee STARRRRRRRRRRR...... =D
20. five ppl u want to tag: the twinkling star

m outiee...
papi papi hug hug

M- M

(- _ o)
-( O )-

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Thaby Wisdom Moments

pics by cute kat princez
staring hotgirlangel n her feet

ok so this post is dedicated uncle krevee
i know u been waiting for this one for a long tym now
i know its been long since i updated...
n i missed u blogosphere...
bt nnow m in the process of cumin bak slowly...
so here the first step...

so heres this months brain storm...
the styles..
the new looks..
wat goes with wat
bt pls dun think m trynta be maa ingiganegen abt shoes....
cos this is jus my opinion
as i see is the new look in shoes these days
m open for ur opinions too

ok so first lets see wat goes with jeanss....
of course...
no question abt it
the shoes that goes best with jean is (my personal favourite)
the sneakers
o yea..
these lil babies are comfy..
n they damn look good
gives u the whole laid bak kewl look
n also balerina type shoes ves v gulhey dho..
n also these goes with three quarter jeans ves

second wat goes with jean skirts...
o mini skirts..
o jus skirts..
of course wat goes better with these dan
high heels..
strapy cute ones
bt with nt dat much hieght goes well with these...
if its too high..
den u jus end up lookin like a cheap slut o protitute

den comes the cute lil evening dresses...
o sundresses..
o party dresses..
with these ves..
v gulheyne dho
lil balerina shoes...
n flat koh hunna faivaan..
n ofcourse the heels...

dats it for now....
bt next stop is mens footwear..
se ya wen u see me..
papi papi hug hug
M- M
(- _ o)

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