Thursday, February 19, 2009


thank u muthu for lettin me do this on blogophere

It's harder than it looks!
Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag five people.

Use the fi
rst letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up!
If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name: thaby

2. A four Letter Word: tree
3. A boy's Name: tom
4. A girl's Name: terry

5. An occupation: tree climbing

6. A color: turquoise

7. Something you'll wear: T shirt
8. A food: tiger meat

9. Something found in the bathroom: towel

10. A place: tree house

11. A reason for being late: tukuri akee koachetho balan madukohlee...(i still have no damn idea... O_o)

12. Something you'd shout: Tell!!!!!

13. A movie title: twilight

14. Somethi
ng you drink: tang juice

15. A musical group: the system of a down

16. An animal: TIGER!!

17. A street name: thaby kat

18. A type of car: turquoise mathi negey vatharu careh...

19. The title of a song: Twinkle Twinkle littlee STARRRRRRRRRRR...... =D
20. five ppl u want to tag: the twinkling star

m outiee...
papi papi hug hug

M- M

(- _ o)
-( O )-


Anonymous said...

I alreadi did this on facebook xP can i get an excuse?

Cute Kat Princez said...

haha yea of cos......

Anonymous said...

type of car-tourquise mathinegi car
reason for being late-tukuri akee koachetho balan madukohlee
what an answer =)