Saturday, February 16, 2008

Anxiety Took Over

remember those days wen u think u just cant get through...

jus cant get you
r self out of bed...
jus cant even get yourself to take a bath...
well..alot of us be
en through that hevent we...
have u ever heard of
a word called anxiety....
now i wasent sure so i googled tha meaning n it came as an unpleasant, emotional state that involves a complex combination of emotions that include fear, apprehension, and worry. It is often accompanied by physical sensations such as heart palpitations, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, or tension headache.....
sound familiar??
sure it do
sumthing like this has hapened at some point rite??
but have u ever thought of a way to get rid this...
here are sum things you could try


Lie down with your butt against a wall. Breathing in, press one foot into the wall and breathe out as you release it. For 10 - 15 minutes alternate feet. If there is no place to lie down, press your feet, one at a time, into the ground to
feel connected and “rooted.”

Breathe into a brown paper bag. If you have lavender essence oil, put a drop in it for added calming. Lavender oil has a calming, soothing
effect, as do helichrysum, frankincense, and majoram oils. Keep a prepared mixture in a dark glass bottle for when you need it.

Remain focused in “the now” by using all of your senses to take full notice of what you see, hear, feel, and smell. Panic is generally associated with remembering upsetting events from the past or anticipating something upsetting in the future. Holding a pet can also help.

Make a list of the things that
you’re afraid could happen. Then write out calming statements that tell you the opposite of your fears, reassurances you can repeat to yourself when panic starts coming on. Also have a list of calming things you can do, such as breathing deeply and slowly, focusing on forcing the air out of your lungs, making deep breaths come naturally.

Hope these things help you in some way..
its really hard to come over this
being in and out of hospitals is not that nice...
n especially when those doctors keep asking you what is wrong in your life...
its embarassing when you feel like they are thinking you are faking it
well..hope this help

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