Sunday, February 3, 2008


guess wat??....
my mom did sumthing so kool...
she caught a bird with her bare hands...:O..
she found it at tha door step
n grabbed it..
tha poor thing hated mum..
it kept sqwarking out loud wen ever mum was arnd..lmao
dad even came by to fiya koshaning it...
he said dat it was a kaaalhu mainaa eko.. O.o
n u know wat..
tha bird nearly ran away first it was in tha sitting room...
it jumped out of tha box wen i opened it to feed it...tha bugger ran out side. i had to run after it was trying not to accidently step on it..:S
n then secodn tym it jumped behind my bros bed
wen i took it to his room to keep it there for tha night..
i cant belyv tha bugger fit in that tiny place..nearly squashed it n nearly killled it
wel its been loads of fun
but so sad :(...
i have to give it away to a fwend.have no space at home for it...
so my fwend taking it in for me...:)
thnk u sweeety...hehe
u a life saver...


Anonymous said...

I thought your bro released it into the cemetery...?

Cute Kat Princez said...

yea:(..he let it go wen i went to bed:(...i miss u birdy...**sniff**