Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thaby Wisdom Moments!!!

pic by my loabi loabi beybe...levitan pixelfucker

Everyone keeps bugging me about why I dont get so dressy for college (like putting on lipstick, and stuff)
I see girls who get so dressed up all the time, they look like freakin Barbie dolls.
(n its jus plain creeepy)
Lipsick kolhu filaafaanethi angalahpan nukerifa huredhaane
enme madhuvegen fen fodheh nuboan ves ulhey..:s...
(mee dhen haalaky dho)
tsk tsk
Isthashigandu heyvidhaanethi baarah hingan nukerifa huredhaane.
boa haluvaa nulaa robot eh hen hingan....pakaas
Rangalhah nuhingey thaanga munaaruhaa uss kahtakah araigen hingan ulhedhaane.

I dont wanna be like that, I belive that ppl shuld dress sensibly, in a way that they feel comfortable.
and plus, I think that if you get all dressy all the time for everything you wont feel so dressed up on special
occasions, and if you keep wanting to stay dressed up all the time eventually you'll tend to over do it when it
really counts.
so best thing i belyv is to dress smart. dress casually and comfortably.
wear sensible shoes o jus plain flat heels instead of those annoying high heels (although they look absolutely adorable cum oooonn...they damn hurt...n they are so difficult to walk save those for those happy special occasions)
wear a lil less make up wen u hangout with ur fwends
n save that big makeup sessions for wen u really need it.
n save thoses frilly kanthah fala dresses for tha party tym...
y cant u jus dress casual wen hang out with ur fwends??
its not like u are impressing anyone by all those fussy dresses...
cum on enjoy jus being with ur fwends..


Muuthi said...

u rite ingey :D :D...dress casually and saves those kanthah fala dresses for special occasions :) :) ur own life for u die ur own death :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

That was really interesting and insightful. I didn't know girls who wear makeup and have their hair done go through so much trouble.

Anonymous said...

aslu ves thiee hama thedheh....
baeh faharu ladhu ganey hama anhen kudhin ulhey vahtharey bunan ves...
dhen lipstick onnaane evarah alhaalaafa..
emeehun laigen ulhey hedhumakah balaali yas heynethigen vetttey varu veyy..
and yhhh i totallyyy HATE heels..

fayah thaduhves vey olhigen araliyas..
asluves thankolheh casual ko dress kohleema kihaa nice vaane tha???
ppl.. WAKE UP..

HRMaster said...

Lookin prettier is not a fault. There is a limit behind every thing.dho..... kuda different kolley ehen meehun ge idea yaa ingey....

. : Apple : . said...

i agree totally >_>.. those barbie dolls ARE creepy

callι guяl said...

agreed. whytf do ppl need heels anyway? if ure short, be short eh?