Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thaby Wisdom Moments!!!

(pic made by my darling beybe levitan pixelfucker)
[ btw i miss u beybeee......cant wait till u get bak.. mwahz n hugz for you ]

I read this somewhere
no I heard it... form a fairy tale movie

There was this song that says....
'when you get what you want, will you want what you get?'
so... it made me think a lot
so my tiny lil head came to this thought
that when guys want girls
and nulibigen ulheyiru
( i mean setu kuran ulhey iru)
varah sweet vaane
varah romantic vaane
and does nothing out of place!

Ekamu anhenkuhjaa libuniima all that disapears
dhuvas kolheh veemaa alhaeh nulaane
vaanuvaa balaeh nulaane
dont really want to spend much time with her
anhen kuhjaa ah ehves vagutheh nuvaane
Say the guy egothah ulhemun ulhemun gos the gurl gehleniyo
(yea doofuses its coz of that)
rulhiveemaa firihenkuhjaa ah getuvaanee ulhevunee rangalhakah noonkan
dhen anehkaa tha boi boi kujaaa wants the anhenk
beynun vegen fahathun dhuvaanee
kurin beynun vivarah vureves bodah
n anehkaa set kuraanee..
making fake promises n stuff..)

And so, the cycle goes on and on...and on

Sometimes the same thing happens to the gurl...
(the gurl being in tha guys position..)

aan... th
e gurl gurl kudhin ves ehen ulheyne
**nod nod**

well dats wat i gt so far..
see ya

papi papi hug hug


.mini said...

adhi baeh meehun kiyaane inumuge kurin women have all the control and inumuge fahun men has it
i don't know why i wrote that here, i don't know, me in a confused mode :P

Muuthi said...

Keke...i knw where this is goin =P =P wisdom momment =D =D

Anonymous said...

Oi Oi, seems like you're hinting that girls rarely do it eh? Boy you must be playing hard-to-get 24/7.

You'll let me know if it works out won't you.

shweetikle said...

oh, ur thaby?
i dinno that!
heard about you from levitan sometime ago..